- Create your own word list
- Shared word list - Write on iPhone/iPod and access on iPad or vice versa (Apple Device must use same iCloud account)
- Write and Listen the word in your own language (For appropriate voice accent, choose keyboard language with appropriate country.)
- For english words, Meaning comes automatically from dictionary. For other than english language, you can type meaning and sentences in the language in which word is typed or in english.
- Predefined English word lists
- Predefined Hindi word lists
- 25 languages supported
Languages supported are:
* English
* Hindi
* Arabic
* Chinese
* Czech
* Dutch
* Finnish
* French
* German
* Greek
* Hungarian
* Indonesian
* Italian
* Japanese
* Korean
* Norwegian
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Romanian
* Russian
* Slovak
* Spanish
* Swedish
* Thai
* Turkish